Fire Prevention

Fire Safety House


Murphy Fire Department strives to be proactive in fire prevention & safety education. An effective fire prevention program is proven to reduce the number of incidents we are required to mitigate. We have a public education safety house to assist with our educational efforts with children ages 9+ through senior adults. This resource is mobile and available by request.

This resource has 3 primary rooms: a kitchen, living room and bedroom. Several prevention props are available within this mobile safety house including but not limited to:

  • Cooking safety
  • Fire extinguisher selection & location
  • Kitchen appliance safety
  • Audio / visual smoke alarms & testing
  • carbon monoxide alarms
  • Fireplace safety
  • Candle safety
  • Window blind safety
  • Christmas tree & wrapping paper safety
  • Sleeping safety including simulated smoke, heated door and exit options

Exterior emphasizes

  • Testing smoke alarms
  • A family meeting place
  • Calling 911
  • 2 ways out of each room
  • Bicycle safety

Fire Prevention Tips

Did you know that heating equipment is a leading cause of home fires during the winter months?

Heating fire safety tips:

  1. Have heating sources serviced each year.
  2. Keep space heaters at least 3 feet from flammable objects.
  3. Make sure gas heaters are well ventilated.
  4. Never leave space heaters unattended.
  5. Test your smoke detectors

Cooking is the second leading cause of home fires.

Cooking fire safety tips:

  1. Never leave cooking unattended
  2. Turn pot handles inward to prevent spills

    Wear short sleeves when cooking

    Keep a pan lid handy in case of a fire.
  3. Have a Class K (Oil/Grease compatible) fire extinguisher in your kitchen.
  4. Test your smoke detectors.

The holiday season can be one of the deadliest seasons of the year.

Holiday Season fire safety tips:

  1. Use decorations that are labeled flame resistant.
  2. Use extreme caution if using candles.
  3. Do not overload extension cords
  4. Keep packages away from heating sources.
  5. Test your smoke detectors.